Pergamano Blending Pen Nibs (Pack of 10) (19203)
Dorso Oil (21804)
Perga Glue (41805)
Pastel Mix Pergamano Brads
Perga Cutter - Curved (11351)
1-Needle Bold (10229) Perforating Tool
Silver Pergamano Brads
1-Needle (10241) Perforating Tool
Pergamano Exclusive Pointed Scissors (11311)
Pergamano Blending Pen (10500) with 3 Nibs
Gold Pergamano Brads
Pergamano Sticky Ink (41806)
Caps 5 Pieces (19202) - New & Improved
Perga Liners - Combi Box (21452)
Perga-Glitter Bundle
Perga Colours Exclusive (21432)
Ringlock Scissors (11315)
Semi-Circle (10209) Perforating Tool
2-Needle Bold (10288) Perforating Tool
White Pergamano Brads
Embossing Tool - 1.2mm Shader (10005)
Black Pergamano Brads
Mapping Pen (10420)
Flower (10211) Perforating Tool